The Wider Circuit

Begins and ends with the corner of 4th and Park: Filene's Basement twixt yellow house and curb. It's a lawn sale even though the sign says: GARAGE SALE. The construction at the edge of the driveway is a piece of art: seven or eight step ladders (all different), with pipes threaded through laterally at the tops to make racks for a rainbow of used clothes.

I hope GARAGE SALE isn't a euphemism for the more final-sounding estate sale. That could mean the old lady (she is/was probably 90+) has passed away. Though kitty-corner from the action I couldn't see her shuffling about. She once gave me a huge persimmons from her loaded tree. Said she and her husband (an implied: he's already deceased) planted the tree back in the 40s or 50s.


Also, I'll mention the Colorado Lagoon (Colorado Lung) and a few of its early risers. There's the egret with yellow spats (elegantly pacing the low-tide shore); with waders and the whole nine yards: the urban rendition of A River Runs Through It  (I think he's only rehearsing); and the never resting (always resting), sumo wrestler of a sea slug (aka sea hare).

California Sea Hare, Catalina Island Pictures, Images and Photos



Kafka and Rilke


Edinburgh: St. Cuthbert's: Thomas De Quincey's Grave

The Parlograph