"Pale Fire": A Possible Easter Egg & Nabokov/Shade on Student No-No's

Of course I only imagine an easter egg. What if Nabokov somehow had a sneakpeek at O'Brien's masterpiece?

From Pale Fire:
After the last guest had gone (on bicycle), and the ashtrays had been emptied, all the windows were dark . . .
The imagined easter egg is buried in the deep grass of a parenthetical: on bicycle.


Speaking through Shade and Kinbote, Nabokov reveals loads about his personal tastes and intolerances. For example, here is Shade (poet/prof) discussing with Kinbote the grading of students' papers.
"I am generally very benevolent [said Shade]. But there are certain trifles I do not forgive." Kinbote: "For instance?" "Not having read the book. Having read it like an idiot. Looking in it for symbols; example: 'The author uses the striking image green leaves because green is the symbol of happiness and frustration.'

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Kafka and Rilke


Edinburgh: St. Cuthbert's: Thomas De Quincey's Grave

The Parlograph