Max Frisch's "I'm Not Stiller"

Am I the only one who thinks this way: In re-reading Frisch's Stiller I am amazed how much I'd forgotten, and consider it as a positive that it feels like I'm reading the novel for the first time.

Having re-read Homo Faber again recently I am surprised (intrigued, delighted) by the Mexican motif in Stiller. In Faber the protagonist's plane crashes in a Mexican desert; in Stiller Stiller (Not Stiller, White) has just come into Switzerland from Mexico.

The only lines I've underscored in my Kindle thus far (have I subconsciously decided to curtail my underscoring?) has to do with a little poke Frisch is giving the fatherland = Switzerland:
We have both come to the conclusion that physical hygiene in Switzerland is in remarkable contrast to the rest of their obsession with cleanliness. He told me that where he lived in the town he was only allowed by contract to take a hot shower at week-ends, as in the prison. Then we march off to our cells one by one with bath towels round our necks. 



Kafka and Rilke


Edinburgh: St. Cuthbert's: Thomas De Quincey's Grave

The Parlograph