"Knight, Death and the Devil," Albrecht Durer, 1513
Knight, Death and the Devil, Albrecht Durer, 1513, a photo by New Visions2010 on Flickr.
From Durrenmatt's Suspicion:
"Knight's a goner," said the man in the blue work clothes, pressing the words out of his obliquely twisted mouth: "Knight's a goner, knight's a goner!"
Not until the worker had left the room and clumsily slammed the door behind him did the old man realize that he had been talking to a deaf mute.
Also by Durer: "Witch Riding Backwards on a Goat":

[From WikiPaintings: http://www.wikipaintings.org/en/albrecht-durer/witch-riding-backwards-on-a-goat-1500]
