Chaucer's Tales: Poor Parson
He was a shepherd, and no mercenary. And though he holy were, and virtuous, He was to sinful men not dispitous1 1severe Nor of his speeche dangerous nor dign1 1disdainful But in his teaching discreet and benign. To drawen folk to heaven, with fairness, By good ensample, was his business: 1But it were1 any person obstinate, 1but if it were1 What so he were of high or low estate, Him would he snibbe1 sharply for the nones2. 1reprove 2nonce,occasion A better priest I trow that nowhere none is. He waited after no pomp nor reverence, Nor maked him a 1spiced conscience1, 1artificial conscience1 But Christe’s lore, and his apostles’ twelve, He taught, and first he follow’d it himselve.