To, from, and in Pere Lachaise
Pere Lachaise was close enough to our 3rd hotel that I didn't have to take a Metro. Besides I wanted to walk: see things along the way. I woke early--even Mickey D's was closed on the corner--and walked in cool, on-and-off-rain. Had forgot to check when it opens (I was off an hour plus). OK, I had a couple coffees and a pain aux raisin. Kept dry by sitting at a busstop; kept warm by pacing over a vent.
I only wanted three biggies (de Nerval, Balzac, Proust) and Aux Morts: I got that and a little more.
I only wanted three biggies (de Nerval, Balzac, Proust) and Aux Morts: I got that and a little more.
