Kurt Barthel (1914 - 1967)
Got this from the German Wiki: translated.
Kurt Barthel (also spelled Kurt Bartel), pseudonym of Cuba (* June 8 1914 in Garnsdorf in Chemnitz , † 12 November 1967 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German writer , poet , dramatist and playwright .
[From Wikipedia: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Barthel&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dkuba%2Bkurt%2Bbarthel%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D599&sa=X&ei=sAkhUd3lBOSbjAKyuYEg&ved=0CDYQ7gEwAA]
In City of Angels, Wolf quotes from one of his poems:
Kurt Barthel (also spelled Kurt Bartel), pseudonym of Cuba (* June 8 1914 in Garnsdorf in Chemnitz , † 12 November 1967 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German writer , poet , dramatist and playwright .
[From Wikipedia: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Barthel&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dkuba%2Bkurt%2Bbarthel%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D599&sa=X&ei=sAkhUd3lBOSbjAKyuYEg&ved=0CDYQ7gEwAA]
In City of Angels, Wolf quotes from one of his poems:
People will say about
our times:
They had old iron and
little courage
since they had little
strength left after
their defeat.
People will say about
our times:
Their hearts were full of
bitter blood.
And their life ran on
worn-out tracks,
they will say --
and they will stand on
their glass terraces --
And point to the
bridges --
gardens --
And they will see the
new city lying at their