Something like "Reinforced Authority"

I've had this little piece hanging on my wall for almost 20 years. Never thought much about it (picked it up relatively cheap in a stall on the Rynek in Krakow -- didn't pay much, but then the exchange rate was much better then). I've always thought: acrobat, circus, quirky, perhaps "precarious." Just today (after all these years enjoying just looking at it, seeing what I wanted to see) I asked the Polka in the house if she could make out the Polish title. She says it's something like "Reinforced Authority." Not quite the way I'd been reading (seeing) it all these years, but I can see that.

According to Google podbudowany autorytet = "encouraged by authority." Another conversation with the Polka (and rethinking the picture) produced the possibility that the title is something of a "dig" against communism.

Anyway, I don't know who the artist is (was). Seems to have something like AG 84' scribbled in the lefthand corner.



Kafka and Rilke


Edinburgh: St. Cuthbert's: Thomas De Quincey's Grave

The Parlograph