Trip to Norton Simon: Installation I

A spur-of-the-moment thing: Dec. 30, 2011: three young girls and one crotchety old man.

We'd already been to Pasadena for the Nutcracker, so I thought: Why not the Norton Simon, I haven't been there in years.

If nothing else we'll see the Old Town by day, see them prepping for the big Parade (barricades and bleachers!), and be surprised by an artwork or two.

We couldn't stay long (maybe 1 to 2 hours) so we tackled what would probably be easiest to swallow for the girls: the 19th and 20th centuries. We also took a turn in the sculpture garden (mostly Maillol and Moore, though Rodin is at the entrance).

These are just a few of my faves:

2011.12.30, 2011.12.30

Van Gogh's Mulberry Tree (1889)

2011.12.30, 2011.12.30

Degas' Dancers in the Wings (1880)

2011.12.30, 2011.12.30

Degas' Dancer (1874)

2011.12.30, 2011.12.30

Cezanne's Tulips in a Vase (1888-1890)

2011.12.30, 2011.12.30

Matisse's The Black Shawl (Lorette VII), 1918

2011.12.30, 2011.12.30

Renoir's Reclining Nude (c. 1892)



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