On Poetry Translation
Challenging myself with some "Modernist" Japanese poetry in translation. Not easy to find (I wanted Kindle not paper), not easy to decide (I wanted a woman poet). Anyway, I hit on Chika Sagawa (translated, somewhat resurrected, by Sawako Nakayasu), and, in reading the intro, I've also learned a bit about the poet and translator Keith Waldrop. From the intro: To this day, I have only taken one formal workshop in literary translation, taught by the great poet and translator Keith Waldrop in the spring of 2002. Beginning to translate can be a fraught endeavor—there is a seeming abundance of potential errors, pitfalls, and failures. There is an assumption that one should be translating “the very best” texts in the most accurate, “faithful” rendering. Waldrop, brilliant iconoclast that he is, eschewed most conventional wisdom and encouraged us to translate what we most wanted to translate, and to “make it better in the translation”—he refused the conventional thinking that a t...