
Showing posts from February, 2024

W G Sebald: The Emigrants

It was, I thought, particularly auspicious that the rows of houses were interrupted here and there by patches of waste land on which stood ruined buildings, for ever since I had once visited Munich I had felt nothing to be so unambiguously linked to the word city as the presence of heaps of rubble, fire-scorched walls, and the gaps of windows through which one could see the vacant air.

Owlets in Valencia CA

Is someone getting all the food?;) Anyway the older sib is in charge and looking for Momma. Spring has sprung, or is at least on its way. #rlswihart13 #valenciaca #nearmagicmountain #owlets #waitingformom #owlsofinstagram #greathornedowl #nature #beauty #poetry #tgif #weekend #readmorepoetry2024ā™„ļø

Henry James: In the Cage

This morning everything changed, but rather to dreariness; she had to swallow the rebuff to her theory about fatal desires, which she did without confusion and indeed with absolute levity; yet if it was now flagrant that he did live close at handā€”at Park Chambersā€”and belonged supremely to the class that wired everything, even their expensive feelings (so that, as he never wrote, his correspondence cost him weekly pounds and pounds, and he might be in and out five times a day) there was, all the same, involved in the prospect, and by reason of its positive excess of light, a perverse melancholy, a gratuitous misery.  This was at once to give it a place in an order of feelings on which I shall presently touch.

Henry James: Daisy Miller

By this time Daisy had turned her attention again to Winterbourne. "I've been telling Mrs. Walker how mean you were!" the young girl announced. "And what is the evidence you have offered?" asked Winterbourne, rather annoyed at Miss Miller's want of appreciation of the zeal of an admirer who on his way down to Rome had stopped neither at Bologna nor at Florence, simply because of a certain sentimental impatience. He remembered that a cynical compatriot had once told him that American women--the pretty ones, and this gave a largeness to the axiom-- were at once the most exacting in the world and the least endowed with a sense of indebtedness.

Henry James: Hawthorne

Certainly, I am inclined to think, if one had encountered these delicate, dusky flowers in the blossomless garden of American journalism, one would have plucked them with a very tender hand; one would have felt that here was something essentially fresh and new; here, in no extraordinary force or abundance, but in a degree distinctly appreciable, was an original element in literature. When I think of it, I almost envy Hawthorne's earliest readers; the sensation of opening upon The Great Carbuncle, The Seven Vagabonds, or The Threefold Destiny in an American annual of forty years ago, must have been highly agreeable.

Red-breasted Merganser @ Bolsa Chica


Henry James: The Figure in the Carpet

"By my little point I mean--what shall I call it?--the particular thing I've written my books most FOR. Isn't there for every writer a particular thing of that sort, the thing that most makes him apply himself, the thing without the effort to achieve which he wouldn't write at all, the very passion of his passion, the part of the business in which, for him, the flame of art burns most intensely? Well, it's THAT!" I considered a moment--that is I followed at a respectful distance, rather gasping. I was fascinated--easily, you'll say; but I wasn't going after all to be put off my guard. "Your description's certainly beautiful, but it doesn't make what you describe very distinct." "I promise you it would be distinct if it should dawn on you at all." I saw that the charm of our topic overflowed for my companion into an emotion as lively as my own. "At any rate," he went on, "I can speak for myself: there's an ...

Eagle: Bolsa Chica: Video


Eagle @ Bolsa Chica

Yesterday: An Eagle landed @ Bolsa Chica Yesterday: Lucky Me.šŸŽˆ #rlswihart13 #happyfriday #tgif #baldeaglesofinstagram #baldy #baldeagle #bolsachica #socal #huntingtonbeach #nature #beautiful  #poetry #readmorepoetry2024ā™„ļø

Henry James: The Aspern Papers

There could be no Venetian business without patience, and since I adored the place I was much more in the spirit of it for having laid in a large provision. That spirit kept me perpetual company and seemed to look out at me from the revived immortal face--in which all his genius shone--of the great poet who was my prompter. I had invoked him and he had come; he hovered before me half the time; it was as if his bright ghost had returned to earth to tell me that he regarded the affair as his own no less than mine and that we should see it fraternally, cheerfully to a conclusion. It was as if he had said, "Poor dear, be easy with her; she has some natural prejudices; only give her time. Strange as it may appear to you she was very attractive in 1820. Meanwhile are we not in Venice together, and what better place is there for the meeting of dear friends? See how it glows with the advancing summer; how the sky and the sea and the rosy air and the marble of the palaces all shimmer and m...

Henry James: The Aspern Papers

One doesn't defend one's god: one's god is in himself a defense.

Henry James: Washington Square

"She's going to stick, by Jove! she's going to stick." "Do you mean that she is going to marry him?" Mrs. Almond inquired. "I don't know that; but she is not going to break down. She is going to drag out the engagement, in the hope of making me relent." "And shall you not relent?" "Shall a geometrical proposition relent? I am not so superficial." "Doesn't geometry treat of surfaces?" asked Mrs. Almond, who, as we know, was clever, smiling. "Yes; but it treats of them profoundly. Catherine and her young man are my surfaces; I have taken their measure." "You speak as if it surprised you." "It is immense; there will be a great deal to observe." "You are shockingly cold-blooded!" said Mrs. Almond. "I need to be with all this hot blood about me. Young Townsend indeed is cool; I must allow him that merit."

Henry James: Washington Square

The Doctor had been rather disappointed at not finding his compact and comfortable little hostess surrounded in a more visible degree by the ravages of Morris Townsend's immorality; but he had said to himself that this was not because the young man had spared her, but because she had contrived to plaster up her wounds. They were aching there, behind the varnished stove, the festooned engravings, beneath her own neat little poplin bosom; and if he could only touch the tender spot, she would make a movement that would betray her. The words I have just quoted were an attempt to put his finger suddenly upon the place; and they had some of the success that he looked for. The tears sprang for a moment to Mrs. Montgomery's eyes, and she indulged in a proud little jerk of the head. "I don't know how you have found that out!" she exclaimed. "By a philosophic trick--by what they call induction. You know you have always your option of contradicting me. But kindly answer...

Burrowing Owls: Salton Sea

First Burrowing Owl @ Salton Sea (Thanks! Tony for the Tip). This little guy is "just doing his job" so I hope those BIG MACHINES don't roll over his inverted castle. I want to go back in the spring and see the family.ā™„ļøšŸŽˆ #rlswihart13 #saltonsea #scal #burrowingowlsofinstagram #burrowburrow #nature #beauty #poetry #readmorepoetry2024ā™„ļø

Henry James: Washington Square

She confessed that she was not particularly fond of literature. Morris Townsend agreed with her that books were tiresome things; only, as he said, you had to read a good many before you found it out.

Henry James: Washington Square

In those days in New York there were still a few altar-fires flickering in the temple of Republican simplicity, and Dr. Sloper would have been glad to see his daughter present herself, with a classic grace, as a priestess of this mild faith. It made him fairly grimace, in private, to think that a child of his should be both ugly and overdressed. For himself, he was fond of the good things of life, and he made a considerable use of them; but he had a dread of vulgarity, and even a theory that it was increasing in the society that surrounded him.

Henry James: Washington Square

Once, when the girl was about twelve years old, he had said to her: "Try and make a clever woman of her, Lavinia; I should like her to be a clever woman." Mrs. Penniman, at this, looked thoughtful a moment. "My dear Austin," she then inquired, "do you think it is better to be clever than to be good?" "Good for what?" asked the Doctor. "You are good for nothing unless you are clever."

James Joyce: Portrait

 ā€”The soul is born, he said vaguely, first in those moments I told you of. It has a slow and dark birth, more mysterious than the birth of the body. When the soul of a man is born in this country there are nets flung at it to hold it back from flight. You talk to me of nationality, language, religion. I shall try to fly by those nets.

James Joyce: Portrait

He felt with a smart of dejection that the man to whom he was speaking was a countryman of Ben Jonson. He thought: ā€”The language in which we are speaking is his before it is mine. How different are the words home, Christ, ale, master, on his lips and on mine! I cannot speak or write these words without unrest of spirit. His language, so familiar and so foreign, will always be for me an acquired speech. I have not made or accepted its words. My voice holds them at bay. My soul frets in the shadow of his language.

James Joyce: Portrait

The dean rested back on his hunkers and watched the sticks catch. Stephen, to fill the silence, said: ā€”I am sure I could not light a fire. ā€”You are an artist, are you not, Mr Dedalus? said the dean, glancing up and blinking his pale eyes. The object of the artist is the creation of the beautiful. What the beautiful is is another question. He rubbed his hands slowly and drily over the difficulty. ā€”Can you solve that question now? he asked. ā€”Aquinas, answered Stephen, says pulcra sunt quƦ visa placent. ā€”This fire before us, said the dean, will be pleasing to the eye. Will it therefore be beautiful? ā€”In so far as it is apprehended by the sight, which I suppose means here esthetic intellection, it will be beautiful. But Aquinas also says Bonum est in quod tendit appetitus. In so far as it satisfies the animal craving for warmth fire is a good. In hell however it is an evil. ā€”Quite so, said the dean, you have certainly hit the nail on the head.

Blue Morph Intermediate Snow Goose

Blue Morph Intermediate Snow Goose @ Sony Bono SSNW Refuge. Yes, he's thirsty (and hungry) and I was lucky enough to see him in action (from a distance).šŸŽˆ #rlswihart13 #sonnybonosaltonseanationalwildliferefuge #sonny #saltonsea #snowgeeseofinstagram #bluemorph #thirsty #beauty #nature #poetry #readmorepoetry2024ā™„ļø

James Joyce: Portrait

Art thou pale for weariness  Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,  Wandering companionless ā€¦?  He repeated to himself the lines of Shelleyā€™s fragment. Its alternation of sad human ineffectualness with vast inhuman cycles of activity chilled him, and he forgot his own human and ineffectual grieving.

James Joyce: Portrait

On the way home uncle Charles would often pay a visit to the chapel and, as the font was above Stephenā€™s reach, the old man would dip his hand and then sprinkle the water briskly about Stephenā€™s clothes and on the floor of the porch. While he prayed he knelt on his red handkerchief and read above his breath from a thumbblackened prayerbook wherein catchwords were printed at the foot of every page. Stephen knelt at his side respecting, though he did not share, his piety. He often wondered what his granduncle prayed for so seriously. Perhaps he prayed for the souls in purgatory or for the grace of a happy death or perhaps he prayed that God might send him back a part of the big fortune he had squandered in Cork.

Gambel's Quail (Video)